ETP - Embracing Diversity in Your Classroom


“On average, holding all other variables constant, students who perceived that the curriculum reflected diversity were more likely to perceive that the institution had achieved a positive climate for diversity” (Mayhew, Grunwald, & Dey, 2011, p. 525).

“Indeed, one frequently hears faculty say, ‘I do not care what color my students are,’ presumably thinking the issue of race has been laid to rest. Telling a minority student that race doesn’t matter means little. Minority youth will identify forms of bias that people in the majority do not observe; they may, in fact, sometimes believe there is prejudice where none exists. But their feelings are, in the words of sociologist W. I. Thomas, ‘real in their consequences.’ These feelings and their consequences thus cannot be dismissed out of hand” (Tapia & Johnson, 2011, p. 487).

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