Do you keep a reflective journal?

Reflection enables educators to critically examine their practices, understand their beliefs about teaching and learning, and make informed decisions for continuous improvement (Poorvu Center for…

Reflecting on your Teaching

Welcome back to another great week! This week’s conversation focuses on reflection, perhaps of yourself, your courses, your semester… What steps do you take to…

What do you Aspire to Learn this Summer?

Welcome back. This week, we welcome our newest early adopters: The University of Texas at Dallas, Cincinnati State Technical & Community College, The University of…

Semester Wins!

As we round out week two of onboarding our early adopters, I’d like to give a warm welcome to those who have joined us this…

What’s Grabbing Your Attention?

The ACUE Commons has many new features, including: Peer to Peer Networking Course Resource Access Brief, self-paced Quick Study courses inside the Learning Lab A…

Meet Your Community Manager!

Welcome to ACUE Commons! 🌞 As your Community Manager, I’ve shared a bit about me in the video below. I’d love to learn a little…