ACUE | Course Catalog Forums Welcome Do you keep a reflective journal?

  • Karen Huxtable – UTD

    June 7, 2024 at 12:41 pm
    37 Points

    One of the best tools for DIY educational development is to keep a teaching journal. It can be structured and action-oriented, as you describe here. This is especially useful for instructors who are unsure of how to begin or simply prefer that kind of focus. But I suggest that it is perfectly fine to be less structured as well. We can think of keeping the teaching journal like exercise (and I probably should credit someone else for saying this first, but I don’t know who)–a little bit is good, more is better, and everything counts. Chances are, most faculty already engage in reflection after each class as we think about how things went, what didn’t go as planned, or what was successful. Writing down these thoughts or dictating them using a speech-to-text tool has all of the benefits Kelly described. If I could give advice to my past self, it would be to keep a log or journal to track my personal development as an educator.

    • Kelly Williamson

      June 7, 2024 at 12:51 pm

      Definitely! It might take some time for someone to get into the habit, but it’s so valuable. We often don’t realize how far we’ve come when we’re “in the moment.”

    • Laurie Pendleton

      June 7, 2024 at 1:42 pm

      You are so right, Karen! A teaching journal is a good way to remember the good along with the bad and the ugly! As educators, we often focus on what didn’t work or that one student who gave us a less-than-stellar review, but with a journal, we can keep those moments in perspective.

      And just think…maybe it’s the start of a beautiful book!

      Thanks for sharing!


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