Reply To: Are you embracing, curious about or resisting teaching with Generative AI?

  • Michael Pelaez

    July 19, 2024 at 1:58 pm
    237 Points
    4 Coins
    Commons Launch Leader Recognition: Top Founding Contributor

    Good article.

    I liked the idea of using “AI Moments” where the professor lectures on a topic and then asks ChatGPT to do the same and the students decide who did it better.

    My attitude towards Generative AI is that we have no choice but to embrace it. Not doing so is like not embracing online teaching. The best thing we can do as educators is learn everything we can about it; see how we can use it in our classrooms and then choose whether to use it or not while we still can.

    I have a positive view of it as I have used GenAI for tasks in the past and have always been pleasantly surprised by the results.

    I am looking forward to doing the multiple AI courses available including the ACUE ones.