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1306 Coins
I have always worked at the same school. First I homeschooled my kids to give you a little back story. Once in public school I decided to substitute so I could know the district and teachers my kids were influenced by. So I decided to get my certification and got a permanent job there that year. Seventeen years later I was in a tragic crush accident and moved within months of it along with getting my MFA soon after. I had to relearn how to walk, run, and exercise, find a new job etc. I couldn’t leave my job and my students so I drove an hour and a half one way every day.
My current boss emailed me and called me. I just had to give him an interview. I changed jobs and got to keep my job at East Texas A&M University but was blessed with an even better position. I love what I am doing. My current boss is amazing and now I am not under four different Administrators; just two! To be a little clearer than mud. I worked for a HS and TAMUC. The last two years I have worked for a JH, HS and ETAMU. If you saw me you would never know that I was literally broken in half and I just love my jobs. Icing on the cake! Both of my children got married in that time and I am now a grandmother and truly blessed.