ACUE | Course Catalog Forums Welcome You can now get recognized in the Commons!

  • Karen Huxtable – UTD

    July 18, 2024 at 5:19 pm
    48 Points

    Providing people with points for doing something they would have done anyway is risky. An extrinsic reward system can become problematic if it misses the point (so to speak) of why people would participate in the Teaching Commons. The focus becomes the indicator of success rather than the activity itself. It’s a lot like grades that way. Goodhart’s Law comes to mind, as well as research on the overjustification effect. I’m not here for points, and I am certainly not here for competition or comparison. I’d opt out of this point system if I could.

    • jmonserrmdc-edu

      July 18, 2024 at 6:08 pm
      308 Points
      Commons Launch Leader Recognition: Top Founding Contributor

      I completely agree with your arguments, Karen. I have participated in several ACUE workshops and have received earned several certifications. I started, initially, to meet promotion pre-approved exception to graduate credit hours. But as began completing workshop/course requirements, I realized the value of the information I was learning. I truly feel that the knowledge and skills I’ve gained form the different ACUE activities have made me a better educator. For faculty that need to show professional education credits earned when evaluated by administration every academic year, these most of these points, credits, badges, can be used, like icing on the edu-cake.

      I liked to see your points of view. Very valuable in these discussions. Many thanks.


  • Meghan Snow

    August 29, 2024 at 3:31 pm

    Finding and joining your institutional group (under “Groups” in the top menu) is a great way to stay in touch with your campus peers and ALSO earn some points to achieve new engagement recognition levels!


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