ACUE | Course Catalog › Forums › Welcome › THANKFUL THREADS DAY 5!
101 Points
135 Coins
Planning to visit family over the break. It’ll be going from southwest US to southern US. Although I can go on one go, we prefer stop in between to enjoy one of the cities along the way.
107 Points
114 Coins
I host, about 4 people in addition to my family of 4. I lie to cook everything from scratch. Butter blanket Turkey, stuffing, marshmallow sweet potato casserole and green bean casserole. For dessert, Pecan pie is a must. This year I will make apple pie cheesecake in addition to the pie 🙂
30 Points
60 Coins
What is butter blanket?
107 Points
114 Coins
Butter blanket is using a cheesecloth, you will need a 4 layer of cheesecloth that is big enough to cover your turkey. You dip that in melted butter, squeeze all excess butter and cover your turkey with it before putting it in the oven. You keep on basting the cheesecloth with any excess butter or the drippings in the pan. I follow this recipe and it turns out amazing each and every time:
Apparently access is denied to the food network website, lol, so just copy and paste the link to open in another browser.
107 Points
114 Coins
Butter blanket is using a cheesecloth, you will need a 4 layer of cheesecloth that is big enough to cover your turkey. You dip that in melted butter, squeeze all excess butter and cover your turkey with it before putting it in the oven. You keep on basting the cheesecloth with any excess butter or the drippings in the pan. I follow this recipe and it turns out amazing each and every time:
Apparently access is denied to the food network website, lol, so just copy and paste the link to open in another browser.
758 Points
1306 Coins
What is apple pie cheesecake? Sounds so good.
107 Points
114 Coins
338 Points
351 Coins
30 Points
60 Coins
Host – 21 – my game plan – cook, clean – REPEAT
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