ACUE | Course Catalog › Forums › Welcome › THANKFUL THREAD DAY 3!
272 Points
431 Coins
From the list pecan pie is my favorite!
Pumpkin custard (Mrs. Smith’s is great!) is next then deep dish apple (no bottom crust – I’m not really a crust person.).
I don’t really enjoy other fruit pies that much except for the homemade blueberry pies made from fresh picked Maine blueberries that my late stepmother made every summer. I do really love good key lime pie and here where I live in South Florida there are many bakeries/restaurants that make authentic key lime pie.
Oohh Key Lime! I’m glad we are united in the disapproval of pie crust.
338 Points
351 Coins
I love key lime pie too—it’s such a classic Florida treat! Have you ever tried key lime pie on a stick from Kermit’s Key Lime Shop in Key West? They freeze it and dip it in chocolate—it’s absolutely decadent and so refreshing in the heat! Definitely worth a try if you haven’t had it yet! 🍫🥧
272 Points
431 Coins
That sounds great! I always say that Key lime pie is one of the few desserts I really like that isn’t chocolate, so even better with chocolate! I will have to try it! – R
758 Points
1306 Coins
I don’t care for crust much either abut Key Lime is my favorite pie. There are restaurants on the Texas coast especially in Galveston that make the most amazing Key Lime pies. My grandfather and I would always judge a restaurant by their pie.
107 Points
114 Coins
302 Points
452 Coins
272 Points
431 Coins
Forget about the turkey and stuffing – I just want that!! Yum!!
143 Points
131 Coins
Pumpkin all the way!!
- Pumpkin
- Pecan
- Apple
- Cherry
- Blueberry
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