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Apple pie is first, and all others equally share last place 🙃
302 Points
452 Coins
69 Points
130 Coins
1. Pecan (pronounced p’caan!)
2. Pumpkin
3. Cherry
4. Blueberry
5. Apple
I know I posted this, but I am not a lover of pie, specifically the crust. I do like blueberry, though- haha! I equate holidays with Italian pastries because that’s why my relatives bring with them (or we would pick up) from Connecticut. My top three are Sfogliatella, Rainbow Cookies and Vanilla (or lemon) Pasticciotti.
758 Points
1306 Coins
Now you have my interest. My husband is Italian and of course we don’t have any original recipes left from his family. His childhood memories are of a cinnamon roll his aunt made that originated in Germany. I am going to have to try making these pastries for him to see if he remembers any of them. I love to bake.
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