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AI in the Classroom: Acitivites and Assignments
Jennifer Demchak replied 1 week, 5 days ago 8 Members · 16 Replies
758 Points
1306 Coins
This was eye opening for me. I loved this. I will be trying this soon.
275 Points
100 Coins
I am becoming obsessed with integrating AI into my assignments. I love providing students with guidelines for creating an AI prompt, grading their prompt drafts, And having them examine the results that AI gives them in conjunction with the core material we’re covering in class for that unit. I grade their evaluation of AI’s results and their prompt that got those results. It is fun to see what students do with these activities,
I teach intro courses only. So I don’t know of anything other than this sort of assignment design to use. What are some of the things you all do in your upper level courses?
6 Points
1 Coin
<div>I love this idea and can definitely use this in one of my intro classes! How do you grade this assignment for 100+ students? Do you give them certain criteria to evaluate?
</div>I could imagine doing this exact same activity in an upper level course where the students have more topic knowledge and then evaluate accuracy, challenges with traceability, nuance, the ‘flattening’ of examples/knowledge, how this compares to the top 1-3 search engine results. With ~20 students that also feels feasible for grading load.
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