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A December to Discover: Day 7 (ACUE Educators Making Magic!)
wallacercpgmail-com replied 2 months, 2 weeks ago 7 Members · 21 Replies
272 Points
431 Coins
Afraid I’m clueless – I’m terrible with dates in history and know little about photography, save what I must know/do for forensic cases.
243 Points
326 Coins
Oh my….I have no idea. Let’s go with 1919 🙂
The first photo was indeed captured in 1885- good guess, @wallacercpgmail-com ! Taken by Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley:
Wilson A. Bentley was born in 1865 in Jericho, Vermont. Taught by his mother, he lived and worked on his family farm located in the “Snowbelt,” where the annual snow fall was about 120 inches. From the time he was a small boy, Bentley was fascinated by the natural world around him. He loved to study butterflies, leaves, and spider webs. He kept a record of the weather conditions every day and was fascinated by raindrops. Bentley developed an interest in snow crystals after he received a microscope for his fifteenth birthday. Four year later, in 1885, equipped with both his microscope and a camera, Bentley made the first successful photograph of a snowflake. Read more.
758 Points
1306 Coins
That is fascinating. Thank you for sharing.
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