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A December to Discover: ACUE Educators Making Magic!
wallacercpgmail-com replied 2 months, 2 weeks ago 13 Members · 31 Replies
6 Points
11 Coins
Thanks for the excellent resource. I have found food to be the lowest common denominator. LOL! So over donuts, breakfast tacos, or candy, we share in a judgment-free atmosphere how the class went, where the gaps in learning were, and other low-level discussions. It usually goes very well.
You’re completely right about the food! Creating that casual atmosphere to discuss and break bread can be a great way to get honest feedback and create more rapport!
758 Points
1306 Coins
One of my college professors required food as part of our project. It was an English class and I will never forget it.
45 Points
70 Coins
This is a great list. I do a sprinkle of most of the tirtems, but RN I am focused on <strong style=”background-color: var(–bb-content-background-color); font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>Plan for Professional Growth. I am planning to use my break to study AI and refine my practices.
The end of the semester is a great time to consider professional development opportunities.
- Enroll in professional development offerings such as a new ACUE course or review the resources in the Commons to continue refining your teaching practices.
That’s a great plan! It’s always nice to focus on ourselves when we can.
302 Points
452 Coins
IKR! AI is in my study plans, too. It has really taken over!
143 Points
138 Coins
Happy End of the Semester, All 😊
Kelly, thank you very much for sharing this checklist! ✅
At the end of each semester, I encourage students to complete my course evaluation. I remind them that it is anonymous and that their feedback is valued and genuinely helpful! I congratulate them on passing the course, and I thank them for being dedicated students.
To prepare for the next semester, I write a list of what went well and did not go well as I reshape my courses for the next semester. I include things such as helpful software shortcuts, course material that took longer than expected to cover (so I can adjust my course schedule accordingly), student feedback on assignments, and supplies I need to restock in my classrooms.
I also have a professional development notebook which contains new ideas and pedagogy that I learn each semester. These notes are generated from workshops held by colleagues at my college, ACUE Commons mini-courses, magna courses, and so on. I look back at these notes when redeisgning my courses, each semester.
I’m glad you found it helpful! These are great semester preparation activities! What do you primarily teach?
143 Points
138 Coins
Math….Everyone’s favorite subject 😉
243 Points
326 Coins
Incredibly underappreciated! Math educators often face an uphill battle, not just with equations but with the deeply ingrained “I’m just not a math person” mindset. Tackling that stigma takes creativity, patience, and a whole lot of perseverance.
143 Points
138 Coins
Thank you for acknowledging this, Jericha! Working to change that mindset each day, hehe!
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