Ideas at Work: Benefits of Community Colleges (Continued)

  • Ideas at Work: Benefits of Community Colleges (Continued)

    Posted by Barbara Rodriguez, PhD on May 10, 2024 at 2:18 pm

    As more of us join the Community College special interest group of the ACUE Commons, I would like for us to have a robust discussion about the Benefits of Community Colleges. Please join the conversation:

    In this short video from 2014, Josh Wyner of the Aspen Institute discusses the two primary benefits of a community college: (1) direct skills for workforce needs and (2) an on-ramp to a four-year degree. Do you agree, disagree, or are your thoughts more nuanced? Share why. Let’s discuss. I look forward to the conversation.

    Barbara Rodriguez, PhD replied 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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