ACUE | Course Catalog Forums Welcome AI in the Classroom: Acitivites and Assignments Reply To: AI in the Classroom: Acitivites and Assignments

  • wallacercpgmail-com

    January 14, 2025 at 5:04 pm
    758 Points
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    I have not used AI for any of my classroom activities or assignments. I was just learning about AI-Resistant Learning and it was very interesting. I am looking at using it in the future and of course don’t know where to start. I am thinking of using it with some of my college test questions to make sure that they are equitable and make my students think critically.

    I would also like to use AI to create assignments just to see what happens. I think it would be fun to experiment with some different art topics. I could even have my students try some different topics for art work and see what they come up with for fun.

    I love the lessons in the Learning Lab. I have been taking all of the AI courses when I have time. I highly recommend them.