ACUE | Course Catalog Forums Welcome A December to Discover: ACUE Educators Making Magic! Reply To: A December to Discover: ACUE Educators Making Magic!

  • wallacercpgmail-com

    December 17, 2024 at 5:25 pm
    676 Points
    1306 Coins
    Commons Launch Leader Recognition: Top Founding Contributor
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    I am feeling a little bit crazy right now and that is why I am late to post. I teach 6th grade to college. My 6th graders just finished up a sculpture lesson where they created hats we will wear on the day of their final exam and they created sculptures out of toilet paper too. My 7-9th graders are working on the door/hall and decorating it for Christmas contests. And my Art 1-4 classes are all working on various different projects. And college Art Appreciation just ended. So to wrap up the Semester we will be cleaning the Art room with some Christmas music and celebrating with our hats and by hopefully winning the door decorating contest. Students will bring me gifts so I always note that and write a thank you note they will receive during our break. For exams we will do an assessment, exit ticket or a self refection over their artwork.