ACUE | Course Catalog Forums Welcome A December to Discover: Day 4 (ACUE Educators Making Magic!) Reply To: A December to Discover: Day 4 (ACUE Educators Making Magic!)

  • Laurie Pendleton

    December 13, 2024 at 3:11 pm

    Now, that’s the difference between living in Maine and living in Southern California…where it never rains…We live by two sayings here: 1. “If you don’t like the weather, wait a few minutes, and it will change,” and 2. “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes”

    Just this week alone, we got almost 8″ of snow Monday-Tuesday, then it poured Wednesday and was 57 degrees Wednesday evening, and Thursday, we got hurricane-force winds. Today it’s 18 degrees and sunny. You never know!