ACUE | Course Catalog Forums Welcome A December to Discover: ACUE Educators Making Magic! Reply To: A December to Discover: ACUE Educators Making Magic!

  • Lauren Zatto

    December 10, 2024 at 1:28 pm
    138 Points
    138 Coins
    Commons Launch Leader Recognition: Engagement Champion
    Commons Winter Games 2024 Recognition: Glacial Contributor

    Happy End of the Semester, All 😊

    Kelly, thank you very much for sharing this checklist! ✅

    At the end of each semester, I encourage students to complete my course evaluation. I remind them that it is anonymous and that their feedback is valued and genuinely helpful! I congratulate them on passing the course, and I thank them for being dedicated students.

    To prepare for the next semester, I write a list of what went well and did not go well as I reshape my courses for the next semester. I include things such as helpful software shortcuts, course material that took longer than expected to cover (so I can adjust my course schedule accordingly), student feedback on assignments, and supplies I need to restock in my classrooms.

    I also have a professional development notebook which contains new ideas and pedagogy that I learn each semester. These notes are generated from workshops held by colleagues at my college, ACUE Commons mini-courses, magna courses, and so on. I look back at these notes when redeisgning my courses, each semester.