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Yes I have, Kelly. My approach has been very individualized and depended on the “severity” of the infraction. Since the student is recorded, I am able to observe the actual time when the student was flagged. On a couple of situations, I was not able to identify any misbehavior. Since I’m getting familiarized with these tools (and so are students), I contact the student who’s flag is obvious and discuss it with the student. Most students deny any wrongdoing, and I must admit that Respondus (and Honorlock, used by the Virtual College) are very sensitive to flagging. So currently I don’t provide much disciplinary action. They get my call or email and are required to read closely the Institution’s position on Academic Dishonesty.
So the plan is to get very familiar with these proctoring AI tools, see what my colleagues are doing, obtain information from the College’s resources, rewrite my expectations in the syllabus,…