ACUE | Course Catalog Forums Welcome A December to Discover: Day 6 (ACUE Educators Making Magic!) Reply To: A December to Discover: Day 6 (ACUE Educators Making Magic!)

  • Jericha Hopson

    December 17, 2024 at 9:10 am
    233 Points
    326 Coins
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    I came across A Research-Based Methodology for Evaluating the Efficacy of Faculty Development on Student Outcomes Blog, which outlines a framework for evaluating the impact of faculty development on teaching practices and, ultimately, student success. What struck me was the emphasis on connecting teaching quality to institutional outcomes like retention and graduation rates. It’s easy to get caught up in the quantity of degrees awarded, but this refocuses the conversation on the quality of learning—and that feels urgent and necessary.

    As someone passionate about supporting faculty and students, I found this approach impactful because it brings a clear, research-driven method to assess what’s working and why. It challenges us to move beyond assumptions and anecdotes, pushing us to analyze teaching and learning with rigor.

    I also really like the sort/filter feature in the resource library!