ACUE | Course Catalog Forums Welcome A December to Discover: Day 5 (ACUE Educators Making Magic!) Reply To: A December to Discover: Day 5 (ACUE Educators Making Magic!)

  • Lauren Zatto

    December 16, 2024 at 12:04 pm
    138 Points
    138 Coins
    Commons Launch Leader Recognition: Engagement Champion
    Commons Winter Games 2024 Recognition: Glacial Contributor

    Thank you, ACUE, for analyzing and sharing the key factors most frequently highlighted in faculty recommendations.

    I was a bit surprised to see active learning among the top four factors! It’s great to know that students value collaborative learning and engaging class experiences.

    At Palm Beach State College, we responded to the post-pandemic shift by creating “active learning studios” across all our campuses. I’m fortunate to teach in these spaces, which feature flexible furniture arranged in clusters and a large monitor for each group mounted on the wall nearby. These monitors make it easier for groups to share and present their digital work without crowding around a single screen. These studios truly foster a more collaborative learning environment!